How to cut fake flowers without wire cutters

Recently I bought a fake spider plant to put in my bathroom where a real plant wouldn’t do well. But it had these very fake looking flowers that I didn’t like. I don’t have any wire cutters or needle nose pliers to cut the fake flowers with but the good news is, I didn’t need them.


Any sharp cutting tool: a box cutter, scissors, a knife, a craft knife


Find the fake flower you want to cut off.

Follow the stem down to the base.

The base where the flower is attached is completely plastic, there’s no wire to cut through.
Bend it backwards to help weaken the plastic.

Using a box cutter, cut a line through the plastic base.

You could also use scissors or a knife, but box cutters work really well and they’re very cheap.

Once the base is cut you can snap it right off.

In just a few minutes I had removed all of the flowers.

Of course, this method only works if there is no wire to cut through. I’d recommend checking the fake flowers before you buy them to be sure that the base has no wire.
If you’re looking to cut a stem shorter you can still use this method. Just cut the stem off and reattach it at a lower point.

If you like the rug in the background of these photos be sure to keep an eye out for my upcoming post about making my own rug.